New Series - it just so happened…

it just so happened…

Starting on the 14th April we’ll be spending four weeks digging into the book of Esther. Esther tells the story of a young, orphaned Jewish woman - a captive living in exile - who (spoiler warning!) is taken from her adoptive father to be part of the Babylonian King’s harem. She rises up to be queen of the conquering power and uses her wisdom, beauty, guile and influence to thwart a genocidal plot to wipe out her people, in the process condemning their oppressor to a deliciously ironic fate - so far, so blockbuster - but that’s not even the most remarkable part of the story…

where is God?!

The most notable feature of the book of Esther is the complete lack of any mention of God - no references to divine intervention, no long eloquent prayers (or even short desperate ones!), and no miraculous conversions at the end. So where is God? Well, look a little closer and you’ll see His fingerprints all over the story - a coincidence here, a bit of fortuitous timing there - ‘it just so happened…’

Sometimes it can feel the same in our lives - things are happening, but we struggle to see God working. Join us as we work through the story and Pete leads us to consider how God is always working behind the scenes to redeem His people.


coming up:

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