we're a community of ordinary people, with different backgrounds and stories - no-one is perfect, everyone is welcome
Sunday Mornings
Come and join us at 10:30am on Gelliwastad Road for all-age family worship and Bible Teaching
Come and join us at 10:30am on Gelliwastad Road for all-age family worship and Bible Teaching
As we build up to Christmas we’ll be thinking about ‘the dawn of redeeming grace’ as the carol puts it - with carols and songs, readings from the Bible and a ~20 minute message from our pastor Pete exploring the Christmas story.
You’d be very welcome to join us!
Join us on Christmas Eve for a wonderful evening of carols and Christmas tunes from our house band and the fantastic Choirs for Good Pontypridd! Not to be missed!
At 10:00am rather than our usual 10:30am - it’s time to celebrate! Share the joy, the toys, the songs and the season with family and friends as we give thanks for God’s gift of life in Jesus together!