sunday mornings
Join us at 10:30am
Each Sunday at 10:30am we meet as a church family to worship God by singing, praying to Him, studying the Bible together and sharing our lives together as a church. The format can vary each week, but each time we come together we want to grow in our love for God, our love for each other, and to make disciples for Him.
Our services are usually relaxed and informal and everybody is very welcome to attend and participate however they feel comfortable, whether you’re a regular or you’ve never stepped foot in a church before.
After the service we enjoy time together with teas, coffees, biscuits and (if we’re lucky) cake - we’d love to have you with us. Got questions? Check out the FAQ below or send us a message!
children and young people
Sunday School (4-11)
Our Sunday School classes currently cater for ages 4 to 11 during term time. At the start of our Sunday morning service, everyone (adults and children) is together in the main hall. After 15-20 minutes, children can leave and go into the side hall for Sunday School where they can enjoy a mix of singing, quizzes, games, teaching, craft and fun. At around 12:30pm at the end of main service, parents and carers are asked to go and collect their children from the respective classes.
younger children (0-4)
There are areas set up at the back of the main hall for young children to play, with toys, crafts and a baby bouncer. There’s no need to worry if your baby cries or needs a feed, or your little one fancies running a few laps of church - we’re a family church and enjoy the extra noise and fun that that brings!
older children (11-14)
The Off-the-Grid group is for older children, aged between 12 and 16. Together they read, study and discuss the Bible - often with hot chocolate on tap!
all-age services
Once every month or so we hold an all-age service where we think about a topic or story from the Bible in a way that everyone can engage with, from toddlers to OAPs - there’s something for everyone. Check out our calendar to find when the next service is coming up.
You'll be met by our welcome team. They'll happily help you with any questions and help you find a seat.
Yes, the entrance to the building is via a sloping pavement. Inside, all areas of the building are accessible via wheelchair. We also have an accessible toilet.
Anywhere you like - there’s plenty of room upstairs in the balcony or downstairs on the ground floor. Children’s areas are at the back on the ground floor.
We're a casual bunch and there’s no dress code - jeans, t-shirts, whatever you feel comfortable in.
Normally about an hour and a half (10:30am to 12:00pm), with tea and coffee served afterwards
Services usually being with a welcome followed by a time of sung worship led by our musicians. There’s no requirement to be able to sing in tune to join in - if you don’t know the songs or feel comfortable singing aloud, you can always just listen and read the words being sung. The format of the service varies week-by-week, but there will typically be something for the kids, notices about church life, and a reading from the bible. A time of prayer may led by someone at the front or left open for members of the congregation to pray aloud or silently in their seats. After this there will be a message from the Bible which is typically around 20 minutes long, and then a chance to respond to what we've considered together by singing. Once a month (usually the first sunday) we'll take communion as a church family.
Don't worry if you're new and it all feels a bit unfamiliar - feel free to participate as much as you feel comfortable, and ask any questions you like afterwards!
We're privileged to have many talented musicians in the church. Sometimes we’re led by a full band, other times just one musician and a singer. 'Style-wise' we sing everything from modern songs to classic hymns.
Tea and coffee are served in the Tea Room, located through the Side Hall (just follow the crowd) - it's a great time to meet people and catch up.
There’s no charge for teas or coffees or obligation to give something during/after the service! If you want to give something towards the work of the church, there is a collection box at the back of the church alongside a contactless donation point.
Like many churches, we also sometimes take up an offering during the service. This is so that our church members can give if they wish. Please do not feel under any pressure to give anything or feel embarrassed at letting the basket simply pass you by. In fact, many church members contribute directly through their bank accounts, so you won’t be the only one passing it on!
how to find us:
Our Sunday morning services are held at our building on Gelliwastad Road in the centre of Pontypridd.