what’s on

Globe cafe - india
Come to our next Globe Cafe event and enjoy delicious food, great fellowship and fun - as we celebrate all things India!

Christmas Day Service
At 10:00am rather than our usual 10:30am - it’s time to celebrate! Share the joy, the toys, the songs and the season with family and friends as we give thanks for God’s gift of life in Jesus together!

Carols By Candlelight (with Choirs for Good)
Join us on Christmas Eve for a wonderful evening of carols and Christmas tunes from our house band and the fantastic Choirs for Good Pontypridd! Not to be missed!

Advent Service
As we build up to Christmas we’ll be thinking about ‘the dawn of redeeming grace’ as the carol puts it - with carols and songs, readings from the Bible and a ~20 minute message from our pastor Pete exploring the Christmas story.
You’d be very welcome to join us!

Advent Service
As we build up to Christmas we’ll be thinking about ‘the dawn of redeeming grace’ as the carol puts it - with carols and songs, readings from the Bible and a ~20 minute message from our pastor Pete exploring the Christmas story.
You’d be very welcome to join us!

All-Age Nativity Service
Our All-Age Nativity Service promises to be ‘well good’! Performed by our talented Sunday School and Grid kids, come and enjoy a fresh retelling of the Christmas story for all the family full of songs, humour and kids being…kids!
All are very welcome!

CANCELLED: Christmas Community Fun Day
Join us from 1pm for Christmas fun for all the family! There’ll be crafts, face painting, a bouncy castle, refreshments, a nativity trail - and a very special visitor… All free, all welcome.

Pontypridd Prayer & Praise
On the day before the Koreans arrive for Pontypridd Prayer Mission 2024, Coedpenmaen Community Church will host a prayer and praise evening on Sunday 30th June at 6:30 pm.
Please join the Ponty churches for a special time of prayer before the mission week.

digging deeper - week 4
Come and read God’s Word together over a cuppa.
We’ll learn some of the bible reading tools that can help us get more out of God’s Word.
These tools can help us in our private devotions, as small group leaders, in Sunday school teaching, in youth leading, and in gospel preaching and service leading.
This is an interactive 4-week course for teenagers to retirees!

digging deeper - week 3
Come and read God’s Word together over a cuppa.
We’ll learn some of the bible reading tools that can help us get more out of God’s Word.
These tools can help us in our private devotions, as small group leaders, in Sunday school teaching, in youth leading, and in gospel preaching and service leading.
This is an interactive 4-week course for teenagers to retirees!

the big pit visit
We’re heading to the big pit for a bank holiday day out. The invite is open to all!
We'll be meeting at the rear of the church at 11am, getting to the Big Pit around 12. We'll have lunch (please bring your own picnic), before going for an underground tour in the afternoon (free).

digging deeper - week 2
Come and read God’s Word together over a cuppa.
We’ll learn some of the bible reading tools that can help us get more out of God’s Word.
These tools can help us in our private devotions, as small group leaders, in Sunday school teaching, in youth leading, and in gospel preaching and service leading.
This is an interactive 4-week course for teenagers to retirees!

Sunday Morning Service - it just so happened… God’s people delivered
Join us at Temple for our Sunday morning service as we round up our new series reading through the book of Esther ‘‘it just so happened…’. Pete Roberts will exploring how God works through Esther chapters 8:3-10:3 - ‘God’s people delivered’.

digging deeper - week 1
Come and read God’s Word together over a cuppa.
We’ll learn some of the bible reading tools that can help us get more out of God’s Word.
These tools can help us in our private devotions, as small group leaders, in Sunday school teaching, in youth leading, and in gospel preaching and service leading.
This is an interactive 4-week course for teenagers to retirees!

Sunday Morning Service - it just so happened… God’s people in God’s hands
Join us at Temple for our Sunday morning service as we continue our new series reading through the book of Esther ‘‘it just so happened…’. Pete Roberts will exploring how God works through Esther chapters 5:1-8:2 - ‘God’s people in God’s hands’.

Ponty Prayer & Praise
Join us as the churches of Pontypridd unite to pray for our town and praise our mighty God!
There will be time to pray, praise and be inspired by what God is doing in our town and communities.
(Organised by the Churches of Pontypridd Christian Concern)

Sunday Morning Service - it just so happened… God’s people under threat
Join us at Temple for our Sunday morning service as we continue our new series reading through the book of Esther ‘‘it just so happened…’. Pete Roberts will exploring how God works through Esther chapters 3-4 - ‘God’s people under threat’.

Sunday Morning Service - it just so happened… God’s people in exile
Join us at Temple for our Sunday morning service as we begin a new series reading through the book of Esther ‘‘it just so happened…’. Pete Roberts will exploring how God works through Esther chapters 1-2 - ‘God’s people in exile’.

Sunday Morning Service - Tearfund Special
Join us for a special Sunday morning service as we host Cynan Lloyd from Tearfund.

Easter Day Celebration
Join us at Temple for a special Easter Day Celebration as we rejoice together in Jesus’ resurrection life!

Good Friday Service
Join us at 4pm on Good Friday as we remember, reflect and rejoice in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross together. We’ll share in communion together as we read, sing and pray our way through the gospel account of Jesus’ death.

Reason for Hope? Session 5
“Reason for Hope?” is a 6-week café style discussion time. Over a cuppa we’ll look together at some of the big questions about the Christian faith. If you’re not a believer bring your questions, doubts and challenges. If you are a believer in Jesus, how can we answer tough questions about what we believe? Let’s explore together the reason for hope in Jesus.

Reason for Hope? Session 4
“Reason for Hope?” is a 6-week café style discussion time. Over a cuppa we’ll look together at some of the big questions about the Christian faith. If you’re not a believer bring your questions, doubts and challenges. If you are a believer in Jesus, how can we answer tough questions about what we believe? Let’s explore together the reason for hope in Jesus.

Reason for Hope? Session 3
“Reason for Hope?” is a 6-week café style discussion time. Over a cuppa we’ll look together at some of the big questions about the Christian faith. If you’re not a believer bring your questions, doubts and challenges. If you are a believer in Jesus, how can we answer tough questions about what we believe? Let’s explore together the reason for hope in Jesus.

Reason for Hope? Session 2
“Reason for Hope?” is a 6-week café style discussion time. Over a cuppa we’ll look together at some of the big questions about the Christian faith. If you’re not a believer bring your questions, doubts and challenges. If you are a believer in Jesus, how can we answer tough questions about what we believe? Let’s explore together the reason for hope in Jesus.

Reason for Hope?
“Reason for Hope?” is a 6-week café style discussion time. Over a cuppa we’ll look together at some of the big questions about the Christian faith. If you’re not a believer bring your questions, doubts and challenges. If you are a believer in Jesus, how can we answer tough questions about what we believe? Let’s explore together the reason for hope in Jesus.