get baptised
Baptism is one of the first acts of obedience to God that we find in the Bible for those who have trusted in Jesus. Jesus himself was baptised when he started his ministry, and then as he sent out his disciples instructed them to baptise everyone who believed in him. Christians today are called to believe and then to get baptised as an outward sign of an inward change - and as a public symbol of their faith in Jesus.
what’s it all about?
Baptism symbolises the laying down of a believer’s old life as they go down into the water, and their birth into a new life in Jesus as they come up - just as Jesus died on the cross, and then rose to life again.
should I get baptised?
Maybe you’ve been a christian for ages, but never been baptised - or maybe you’ve just met Jesus for the first time and you’re ready to give your life to him. Young or old, knowing little or a lot, if you’ve put your trust in Jesus - get baptised!
To explore baptism further, or do a baptism course to see if it’s for you, please speak to one of our elders.
“And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptised and wash your sins away, calling on his name.”