It’s that time of year again!
Have your decorations been up for two weeks already? Are all your presents bought and wrapped? Is ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ already your most played song this year?! Or perhaps you’re walking quickly past the Christmas aisle, marking out your tinsel-free-zone and waiting until the last minute to pull out your ‘Bah, humbug!’ hat?
Christmas bring up different emotions for all of us - for some, the excitement has been building since you put the tree away in January, but for others it’s a time of stress, loneliness or loss. The hope found in the Christmas story however, is the same for all of us, no matter who or where we are.
We’d love you to join us this year as we explore, consider and celebrate Jesus’ arrival as a tiny, fragile baby, and the hope, peace, comfort and joy offered to us today through him. See what’s coming up at Temple below: