what’s on

Christmas Day Service
At 10:00am rather than our usual 10:30am - it’s time to celebrate! Share the joy, the toys, the songs and the season with family and friends as we give thanks for God’s gift of life in Jesus together!

Carols By Candlelight (with Choirs for Good)
Join us on Christmas Eve for a wonderful evening of carols and Christmas tunes from our house band and the fantastic Choirs for Good Pontypridd! Not to be missed!

Advent Service
As we build up to Christmas we’ll be thinking about ‘the dawn of redeeming grace’ as the carol puts it - with carols and songs, readings from the Bible and a ~20 minute message from our pastor Pete exploring the Christmas story.
You’d be very welcome to join us!

Advent Service
As we build up to Christmas we’ll be thinking about ‘the dawn of redeeming grace’ as the carol puts it - with carols and songs, readings from the Bible and a ~20 minute message from our pastor Pete exploring the Christmas story.
You’d be very welcome to join us!

All-Age Nativity Service
Our All-Age Nativity Service promises to be ‘well good’! Performed by our talented Sunday School and Grid kids, come and enjoy a fresh retelling of the Christmas story for all the family full of songs, humour and kids being…kids!
All are very welcome!

CANCELLED: Christmas Community Fun Day
Join us from 1pm for Christmas fun for all the family! There’ll be crafts, face painting, a bouncy castle, refreshments, a nativity trail - and a very special visitor… All free, all welcome.

Carol Service - The Dawn of redeeming grace
Come and join us for our our annual Carol Service, Christmas Eve at 4pm.

Christmas Day Service
Come and celebrate with us at Temple at the earlier-than-usual time of 10:00am for our Christmas Day service. There’ll be carols, Christmas jumpers and celebrating and birthday boy Chris Roberts will be bringing short a Christmas message.

Advent Service - All Fear Is Gone
Join us at Temple for our Sunday morning service as we continue our advent series, ‘Christ the Hope of the World’. Pete Roberts will bringing a message from Luke 2:10-11 - ‘All Fear is Gone’.

All-Age Advent Service - The King Has Come
Join us at Temple for a special all-age family service as we start our Advent series, ‘Christ the Hope of the World’. There’ll be fun, songs, activities and Pete Roberts will bring a short message from Luke 1:31-33 - ‘The King Has Come’.

Christmas Extravaganza
What better way to kick start the awesome month of December than with an afternoon full of festivities for the family.
Come along to enjoy;
Festive food & drink
Christmas crafts
Soft play area
Nativity Trail
Christmas Jumper Competition & prizes
Bouncy Castle
and more ...
Free Entry!
Everyone is welcome so please help us spread the word by inviting your friends and family to join us as we begin celebrating the wonderful Christmas season.